A Little about the Maker of LakeMats

Who I am and why I know what Im talking about

My name is Doug Fast — I’m the guy who invented the LakeMat Pro and MuckMat Pro.

I grew up and (despite our winters) still live in Michigan. I worked construction, went to college, became a writer, had three kids, ran a publishing company, spent my free time at the lake fighting weeds and muck — and playing guitar — a lot of Jimmy Buffett.

About my Mats

Based on my first invention, (the original LakeMat) I developed the MuckMat Pro, to walk on mucky lake bottoms…

Next, I developed the Boatlift Mat, which prevents boat lifts from sinking and keeps them level. (All three product lines are considered lake weed control mats), but the MuckMat Pro and Boatlift Mat are designed for muck lake bottoms.

Of course, “I didn’t do this alone, (but when you start writing in “first person,” you’re supposed to stay in “first person,”). The fact is, many bright people were involved.


  You dont have to know everything

You just need to know who to ask


I consulted with engineers, biologists, metallurgists, lake management experts, and a bunch of other smart people in various fields.

My employees contributed great ideas on building, installing, and improving our products. Thanks to all these folks, the LakeMat Pro, MuckMat Pro, and Boatlift Mat are the best, “greenest,” most effective lake weed control mats ever made.

So, there you have it, in 250 words or less, the story of my Mats and me. I’m glad you came to the website. Look around, I’m pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for.


Doug Fast